2007. október 18., csütörtök

akár dalszöveg is lehetne ...?

There's anything you can hurt,
Anything, but not my heart.
There's anything you can try,
Anything, but never cry.

There's anything you can make,
Anything, but not a cake.
There's anything you can eat,
Anything, but not your feet.
There's anywhere you can go,
Anywhere, but not' Congo.

There's anyone you can think,
Anyone, but not to Pink.
There's anything you can do,
Anything, but never poo.
There's anyone you can be,
Anyone, but never me,
Anyone, but never mine.
Never mind.
Find anyone who likes bands,
Sorry, but the poem ends.

2 megjegyzés:

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ellenorizni kell:)

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Thanks for the erdekes informacio